Sunday, July 29, 2012

Wil Kokelaar, a reputable photographer, took this shot at the opening of the exhibition, "Maria", at the STA-ART Galerie in Alphen a/d Rijn, the Netherlands. "The Holy Family" is my family story. Joy is the mother of 11 month old Cooper Thomas Johns. Her children, Anwyn and Drew watch over their caring mother as well as the 16 goats which also live on the Land. Craig, my son views this in awe.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

A much-loved grey day today. These Ranonkels were profuse this spring. Now a reminder.

Monday, July 23, 2012

"Maria M."

I saw a photo of a woman with a mysterious expression. I didn't try to copy the photo. I was inspired by it to make this mixed-media portrait which made me think of Mary Magdelena. This painting also hangs in the exhibit "Groeten van Maria", STA-ART Galerie, Alphen a/d Rijn.

finally-the Maria Exhibit!

Fifteen artists have put together an amazing exhbit in the Sta-Art Gallery, Alphen a/d Rijn, here in the Netherlands. Tomorrow we will have an "inspiration evening" to discuss our motivations and where our ideas took us. The show opens Friday evening and runs until 18 August. This final version of "The Holy Family" has undergone some minuut changes which seem to make it richer in a sense. Maybe you can see them?